Thursday 2 September 2021

Thank you so much!

Hey, don't worry I didn't end my blog even before I started it actually today I helped someone who thanked me with the same words let me describe it to you in detail if you have time you can read it till the end and if you don't have time to summarise in two sentences I helped someone they thanked me that's it!

So I went to college regarding hostel allotment and I had to pay a dd(demand draft) at the bank so I went to visit the bank now at the bank I wrote my form and I was waiting for the its bank and many people and of all kind of age groups right?
so I was filling some other form I was like somewhere in the corner and I was filling my form I was doing just doing my work now suddenly a grandma approached me and asked to a fill she was aged so I asked her to sit beside me and I helped her fill the form I filled each and every detail to my knowledge and I just asked her to sign and now when the form was ready she just said thank you so much I continued my work and then suddenly an elder approached asking me a pen I had so I gave him! what is in it?is this worth sharing? 
Many of us had the same kind of experiences right?
then my friend feel special in a room full of people someone just came to you asking to fill the form how special you should be?
in a room full of people around 100 people the probability of a person coming to you is 1/100. it is a .01 percent chance of him meeting you if I am wrong never mind because I am weak at probability but you are really special don't forget that!

 Do you what happened today?

So I had to visit college today so I will take a bus and as usual, before going out I calculate the fare like how much I would be spending on traveling and more probably on bus journey so when calculations hit 100 or above in bus journeys I will take a one-day bus pass to make it clear one-day bus pass is a pass-through which we can travel in any bus and any time for 24  hours for free and it costs around 100 rupees and as I said when my calculations touch hundred I will take one-day bus pass and today it reached 100 so I decided to take one-day bus pass so we can get it at bus counters near bus stops and also they provide it in the bus itself so I boarded a bus which was totally filled and I was standing at near the door and I asked for a oneday bus pass and I took it many times and I know they only ask our age so I had to tell my age bus conductor asked me for a ticket I conveyed I what I wanted and I said I am nineteen and again I said one and nine now suddenly she started laughing after then i realised i said it in funny way like nineteen and along that i said it as one and nine which made her! still can remember her face laughing it made my day. now you must be wondering how can it make my day when she laughed to see there is our problem we think she laughed but we forget she works very hard for her family she is busy in her works and we all know how hard it is to be a bus conductor even being women she took up the job I don't know the reasons but she was working in the bus and in her busy work he laughed for a while for few seconds its enough for me see her laugh was just bliss! we all see someone laughing and we assume some of the worst reasons and get upset why should we get upset! we should always try to find positive things in negative situations I learned this from our thop e-cell in our thop e-cell we always try to see good even in bad

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday 1 September 2021

 How can't we get bored?😂

How can't we don't get tired? 
How can't we get exhausted?
Many at some point feel exhausted bored tired stressed hectic annoyed disgusted and many more
why don't we all get this kind of feeling?
do you think we are special?do you think we are different?
Yes, we are so special, we are totally different we are always in the excited mode we are always ready to do any kind of work because we never get stressed we are happy with what we have we are in our own world we are in our circle where everyone is like-minded people
but why I am talking about this when everyone already knew this
so recently or every time whenever I post a card or blog or a video on my WhatsApp status my friends get annoyed😂and we all know how friends are when they get annoyed right? they start teasing us I used to be upset for while back then but now I am upset instead  I am happy because they are at least looking at my status at least they are some people who are giving attention to my status or story or my blog or my video it made me happy because at least they saw it and they took time for me even in their busy schedule they spent some time for my Whatsapp status...I started seeing beauty in everything I started realizing that whatever happens, it happens for a reason what should we do whenever we can't see good in what we do we should just accept it and be grateful because when you come out of the storm you would never be the same person you will be having an experience which you can use it when you face that again or else share with others and help them! But what helped me get to this stage so was writing cards for my school friends then I wrote cards for a friend with whom I really had a bad time like we all have some horrible days right? I had them with this guy as I was writing a card for everyone I had to write for him while writing I understood they were also good times with him then why am I still grieving for the horrible days when I also had good days I started being grateful for them and this way in every bad situation or comment I am trying to find a good one sounds good right? but sometimes we don't find a good one then try to make a good one😂when you are capable of making good then why find! how can you make a good one just go and write a card for a friend or yourself and leave the rest on the magic of gratitude it will be on its way don't worry to make you happy
thank you for reading my dear friend😀💗
hey you know something, I didn't see you smile please do me favour please smile and look into the mirror and see how beautiful your smile is!💝🌟

  My helping nature... It's one of my strengths because I try to help any seeks me for help even if he is a stranger I would be happy to help him even when I don't know I will try who knows in the process I may learn new things or who knows it may be a big one for the person who knows the person I help maybe a VIP after a couple of years😂my count my helping nature as my strength🤭

My friends my family and most of all my E-cell family💖 are my biggest strengths... They are the ones who never judge me and always support and encourage me! 😄💖

I control my thoughts... I observe my thoughts and sometimes I am lost in my thoughts, sometimes I forget what is happening around me! 😄🤭

My determination if I determine to do something I will do it even if don't know or I didn't do it before

I talk with myself for a long time sometimes sarcastically, sometimes friendly, sometimes about some ideas, sometimes creating a story, I just talk...😂I just enjoy my own company which I can count as one of my strength 

Thank you, Shivani Akka for making us do such a wonderful task and letting us know what our strengths are and I am grateful for all of my strengths💞🤗💖Thop gratitude hour is one of our stress busters everyone tries to watch movies or videos to get out from stress but we enjoy being in your obsession, magical obsession, an obsession which makes us find ourselves...we enjoy a lot in your obsession thank you Shivani Akka for making it wonderful every week with new activities and with you themes💗😀

 So I was waiting for my friend at the metro station to make time fly I was scrolling my phone suddenly I remembered I forgot my specs at home now I had no choice to go get them so I went from the metro station to home and when I again coming to the metro station I got the call and they were waiting for me and now I was in total hurry burry I went to ticket counter took my ticket and I was all set to go suddenly I saw one person struggling to get through the security at the metro station we all know right? we have to show the barcode to the machine so that it will scan our ticket and allow us but he was trying for a time and everyone we just passing by I no one tries to help and barely anyone noticed his struggle so I took a moment and stopped for a moment asked him his ticket and showed him how to do it and let him do it himself and we went by our didn't cost me anything I just took from few seconds to a minute and I just helped him I didn't get anything but I got a chance to help someone even I didn't even know him...I don't know how he felt but I was happy for a moment because I helped someone even in my hurry burry time😂we are not that busy with our lives that we cannot have some time to help someone it's all about our mindset if we want to help someone we would do it anyway even we are busy or we don't know how to do...don't be selfish try to help because this whole is being selfish there are only few who will help or willing to help in that few be a one and tell proudly that you are among the few you are different from others you are valuable you are worthy you are that someone how anyone can rely on!

Thank you! Hey, don't forget to smile in your busy schedule smiling is the best gift you can give yourself 😀

 Do you know what happened today?

So I went to give my mains exam which was far from my home and I had to take multiple buses and I will never be late but today I thought I had time and came out late my exam was at 3 but gate closing time was 2.30 I didn't see notice it I thought I would be allowed till 3 so I started late from my home I started around 12.30 and it was about lunchtime and traffic was it at its peak stage and I was still even worried because I was sleeping in bus😂😂but I saw it was 2.00 then I checked my gate closing time saw it was 2.30 and arrived exactly at 2.25 then I realized how valuable the time was if I was 5 minutes late also I would be missing my mains. But this time made it at the exact time I may be lucky today but I may not be tomorrow

while returning I had to go through the same so as I knew I will be bored and the journey is about 2 hrs so I took my phone and started reverting the messages and chatting with my friends and until I realized I missed my stop it was too late and I got down at next stage, of course, I get buses from the next stage too but I missed my stage, right? being so involved in my phone I missed my stage😂😂from there I had to choose a city service bus which goes to only my home but I choose a bus which goes beyond it so this time I kept my phone aside and started enjoying my journey and I was 2 stop away from my dropoff I decided to go on to stand at footpath for while and enjoy the breeze and the bus was at its maximum speed and now as still there a stop until I get off most of the drivers skip that stop and go on because there will be few boarding the bus so I thought this driver would also do the same but he didn't he saw me standing at the footpath and he slowed and stopped at that stage now you can imagine my position it was totally awkward for a moment he was waiting for me to get down but I wasn't getting down after few seconds a family who was waiting there saw the bus and they board the bus there were waiting for this bus maybe but there board the bus and were heading towards there home now if i didn't went to stand at footpath if the driver didn't noticed me at the footpath the bus wouldn't stop and who know that family would be stranded for long time i felt somewhat happy because the bus stopped for me but it helped someone else..
today I learned never to be late, never look into the phone when we are traveling and most of all, whatever happens, it happens for a reason.❤️💗

 You were busy right you didn't see my msg you didn't have time to read my message invested time in it yet you ignored it you were too busy to ignore my message you didn't reply to it correctly you just kept emojis to my messages you just said thank you for sharing you were too busy right right right?

wait what stop why I am thinking about you no why it is happening wait for a second let me think why I am thinking about you right😂

don't worry I am totally fine and sound just telling my overthinking thoughts.....ok now you know I am going to talk about overthinking and I will ask you to leave it that's it right and now you will write about not overthinking few lines and think you are satisfied me!😂

its totally ok my friend no body in this world is perfect nobody is in this world is flawless nobody in this world can be 100% correct....yes we overthink i overthink now how can i get over these thoughts when i get these kind of thoughts i talk with my most special two persons one will give me a solution and encouragment and one gives me relief to talk to them and most importantly i give time to these thoughts to get rid of them....dont worry i will not get upset when you dont reply me i lately understood that in this whole world everyone are busy with their lifes everyone are in their own mess its sad but its fact just wanted remain you two things being that busy is it good for you health and mainly your mental health if it so not affecting your health you can continue to be busy but if affects your health my dear freind understand its time to say no for being busy and other thing is overthinking its totally fine if you are overthinker we all are some of them might disagree with me that they are not overthinker its fine baba your not overthinker i am very happy that your not a overthinker but i am so i talk with my special persons and what do you do to tackle these overthinking problem let us know how knows someone like me may benefit from your msg and may it change his life..let me know your version of solutions for overthinking😂

hope I didn't cross my line if I did so I am very sorry🥺 I never meant in another way!


 Time is so subjective that when you enjoy doing something you do you don't get to know that you are working so hard

Hello Happy people😄

You must be wondering whether you opened the correct group or not? You must be wondering whether it is thop gratitude hour group or not? Don't worry it's thop gratitude hour group only

I am sharing this because I wanted to share something with you all you know we have weekly calls with our team for one hour you can go on asking randomly to our team members how they spent their one hour meet with team and team would go on saying it just happened and we didn't even know when one hour was passed. Do you know why? Because we have fun we get to talk with everyone once a week and we have this one hour  so magical that it just happens that's it!we all know how hard it is to write gratitude cards. We have to find the time we have to find a good design we have to write good words we have to add some good emojis we have to make it look apt we have to make it beautiful we have to make it sound sense for others... Uff how hard it is right? 😂

If I go on I would also be thinking as a burden I don't want to think of it as a burden😂In our team we enjoy writing cards we enjoy surfing designs😂🤭and if we find a good one that's it we will use it for writing cards for everyone😌it's the only rule... I know the Aurora of gratitude is now not the same which we used to have in our early days I don't know the reasons but I know it has been decreased🥺

You know something about Aurora of gratitude if you just connect with some part of it Aurora it will pull you itself...even when you are not trying to... So let's connect with the Aurora of gratitude❤️😄

Hope everyone writes cards for their loved ones or their caring ones

Don't forget to add them in our gratitude photos🤭💖we already crossed 2000... let's make it 10000 soon🖤💞


Good morning Happie people❤️

He mentions the simple task

He asks to take a paper write down ten goals and dates which we would like to accomplish in the next 12 months. write it in the present tense and he asks to follow seven steps 

1) write it down

2) set a deadline

3) make a list of everything you have to do to accomplish it

4) organize the list into a checklist

5) take action and 

Then do something every day

He concludes by saying nothing can stop you but yourself💞

Just once go through the video watching it is worth of💖

Have a great day ahead😄

Did you smile today? 

If not please do so:)



Always we are worried about what's going to happen which we even don't know what it's going to be! why should we worry about what is not In our control! I loved the last quote which says" Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift that is why it is called present"                Good afternoon Thop people!!😄😇



Happy evening everyone! 😄

Down to earth is the most heard comment what does it mean really? 

The down-earth comment is one of the best comments because it means a person approaching you is comfortable with you! Whatever you say he can receive it and whenever he or she is in trouble he would approach you without second thought😄

Staying down to earth is not really easy but somehow few achieve it! They are really wonderful and amazing people

Hope everyone had their tea/COFFEE☕

As I am having🤭❤️

Thank you!


Make a plan, look at what you are interested in, get disciplined about something, allow the possibility that without your contribution the world would be the lesser place... Everything he said reminds me of Ecell😇we are planning 100 crores by the age of 30 getting disciplined we have our own plans... We are finding what we are interested in and working on it... And moreover, we matter the most without us the world is nothing

Good morning happy people❤️😃


When you see someone sad give them your smile... Don't worry I didn't write it I read it somewhere😂
Making someone stress out is easy...Making someone cry is easy...Making someone feel bad is easy...But why does making someone happy is hard? 
Because happiness should come from yourself...happiness is within ourselves....happiness enters when you think you want to be happy...My dear friend everything is right there in your mind if you think you are happy you will be that's it nobody is gonna make you sad or stress out 
Why did I say about happiness instead of saying something about smiling when you are happy it would appear on your face in the form of a smile.....Making someone smile is one of the best things you can do for someone. Everyday everyone will surely have some problems have some stress be upset because we are not perfect 
Why don't we make someone smile with our texts with our words with our actions? 
If we can make one person smile every day it would be 365 per year! :)


 Good morning thop people

Hope you see this message as your first message in the morning... Just watch this video twice if you like it but what he said is worth following we all are aware of what is happening in this world right now we all know the chaos that has been created what can we do? Nothing right! 

No, we can do one good thing "where ever we go we can create a peaceful, joyful and loving world" as sadguru quotes and the other thing he mentioned about committed man there is no such thing as failure if he falls hundred times he gets to learn a hundred lessons... Sounds familiar right? Yes, we already learned in our Thop e-cell👀😎

 it's our learning mindset only learning mindset which we have is our greatest weapon use it wisely

Good morning once again thop people have a great day ahead😄❤️

Gn for me😂

  Wake up, wake up, wake up

You must be wondering why I am asking you to wake up when you are about to sleep... Oh, my dear friend wake up see again I asked🤦‍♂️👀

Ok let me tell you from where you should wake up even when you are awake

My dear friend wakes up from the dream of trying to become someone else, wakes up from the dream of becoming the best version of yourself by comparing others... Comparing not again

You know what I used to compare myself with everyone I see meet to talk with my cousins with my friends till recently I myself with a friend who had a good score in jee... But you know what I stopped it when I stopped comparing myself I had peace because I am not becoming someone else I am not imitating to become someone else I saw many motivational videos regarding comparing but none of them mattered to me but a few days ago when I thought I was in mess I texted Shivani Akka she said I was comparing myself and she asked me to stop doing that I don't know how but I stopped comparing myself with others then I was free from many things I had self peace

My dear friend, you think my version of comparing is boring😂

Don't worry it's totally fine😂we are all different people with different thoughts situations... Commonly, you may find my version boring

Just remember my dear friend in the process of becoming the best version of yourself by comparing don't forget the real you the one which makes you

Even when I don't recommend comparing but you becoming the best version of your self so let's take a chance

Never ever forget the real you the one who makes you❤️

Thank you for reading...I don't know whether this was worthy of your time to read but thank you for reading🫂


I still remember Shivani Akka asking us to get out of our comfort zone in one of our Thop gratitude team meetings that day I argued because I believe creativity and productivity increase when you feel comfortable with your work you know I am a stubborn person until I am proven wrong😂that the end of the meet Akka totally changed me I understood coming out of the comfort zone and creativity are two different things they are not at all connected with being comfortable

My dear friend tries to get out of your comfort zone and work and see miracles happen yourself it happened to me...but I cannot guarantee you that they will happen for you but I think it's worth trying... Ok, my friend watch the above video once after reading my write up for it😂

If did already watch it❤️thank you for taking the time and for watching it if you could share your thoughts I will be happy to read it... Sorry if I miss to reply but I would surely read them❤️🫂

Good morning thop people

Caution: being grateful and satisfied are again two different things don't try to merge it😂being grateful means you are happy for what you have and being satisfied means the thought which comes like that's it I would never get more my life's worth this much only... Hope I made sense... Please correct me if I am wrong😂my friend I am not perfect I am still in the mode of learning so please correct me


 Stressed up with your day

Stressed up with your assignments

Stressed up with your incompletes

Stressed up with your works

Stressed up with your thoughts

Stressed up with Hectic job

Stressed up with your anything

My friend, it's totally fine to say you are stressed up with them it's totally ok to say I am not ok today... We all think about telling others about it then we stop and think what other people will think don't forget that other person you have yourself to... What would your future self think when you are not taking care of yourself?

Ok, I understood I am out of context😂

Whatever I wanted to convey was to talk to the person about everything not all but at least the person knows about what you are going through... We all are going through a lot we won't open but we all know it... Nothing is more important than our mental health care of it nobody is coming to care of our mental health it's our own responsibility to take care of it! 

Good morning thop people

Have a great day ahead :)

  If you ever talked with me I would say if you need me I am always there to help... Even I know I cannot help everyone or I cannot have time to help ... Then also I keep on saying...I am always there to help because... 

First, the other person feels relief even for a moment and thinks there is someone on whom they can rely on and it boosts their confidence when they are going to do something because you said you will be there if they need help you just said so they will be confident and they will surely do the thing which they thought they cannot and because this time you are there... 

When someone asks me something first I will try to help them as much as I can and if I cannot I will try to find an alternative or I will learn with them to do work but I will surely do something🤗😄Hope everyone helps the one who is in need... I learn many things while helping others sometimes I learn new things sometimes I just get to know how to do things... Try to help someone even if you know you cannot try to you will figure out the way while walking on the path of helping

If you need any help I am always there just text me :)

Good morning thop people

Have a great day ahead:)

  My Dear friend

5 years trip to an isolated island+

free food


only you will be there

your phone 

your laptop

and whatever electronic device you need for entertainment you can take with you on this trip

and most of the benefit you will be far from the people

for free free free free.........

wow wait you imagined everything right I know you imagined it🤭😂 exciting right? will you buy this thought?

most of us would buy this thought?

this message is for one who buys this thought😂okay you didn't buy this thought doesn't mean that you should not read please read till the end 

so this one I will answer in two ways 

first-way funny one

see my friend he said free food but he didn't say he will provide pizzas burgers and so on our diet and our food ok 😂free food meant you have to go on the sea and catch your food or it may be meant go on to the island and find your food

television is provided right but he didn't mention he will provide you electricity😂so whatever you take after the draining of the battery it would be useless

I want to appreciate you because without telling you could imagine buying the thought and most of us may be imagined 5 years too living on it😂

second part

🫂my friend are you okay?

did you eat today?

do you want to talk about something?

what are you holding back?

how was your day?

how is your health?

how are you doing?

how are the people around you?

why do you want to get on the island where no one is there in the first place🥺🫂

it's totally fine my friend I can feel you everything is going to be fine you are going to come out of this soon?

if you need me I am there just message me?

my friend I don't know anything about mental health or I want to share mental health knowledge all I want is you to be okay...on the first place I don't want to post this but I did to get connected to your heart my friend❤️

Thank you for reading my friend❤️🫂 very few people read till here and you made till here thank you, my friend, ❤️

  So let's do an activity

Why don't we take our phone and call that one special person? 

Why don't we call them to talk with them for a while? 

Why don't we say thank them for their support? 

Why don't we thank them for their encouragement? 

Why don't we laugh with them for a while? 

Why don't we share everything that happened today with them? 

Why don't we say sorry if lost touch with them? 

Ok now you all would have probably a name going in your mind and you are about to call them? Right😂

Why can't that someone be yourself?

Why can't you talk to that one person who always believes in you no matter what

Why can't you thank yourself 

Why can't you share everything with yourself

Why can you laugh at yourself

Ok! I know if we did so the world would think us a maniac right? 

Let them think about what's wrong with it! All the intelligent people look like a maniac to this world🖤

Let's not listen to the world let them listen to us speak❤️

Good night happy people

Hope you will make a call yourself and talk for a while before sleeping😄

  🤭are you still listening? 


Hello happy people you must be wondering what I am talking and some might also probably figured it out, yes I am talking about our book "Uncommon accomplishments of common people The Part-2" Coverpage🤭🤭I like the book calling part-2... So coverage... If you see our coverage it's two people looking at the sky and talking....suddenly one stops the other and asks whether he is still listening or not... Other replies yes I am listening... So through this, I wanted to convey that we are still continuing the book we are still listening to your stories... We want to hear your stories...we want to hear your heart speak! 

You know sometimes we share our stories with others so that our heart feels light not because we want their suggestion or solution😂ok I know it's a post in insta🤭you something we added seven stories in our book don't forget to read them💓

You can share your stories with us we will be adding your stories in our book...❤️

Here is the link to view it!AoTYNbhu5oEjgRUL2SYnD59UPRsW?e=wkYQPn

Good morning Thop people😄

Happy reading:)

You may heard this before but( Instagram reel version😂) 

comparing is/ was/ will never be a good thing for anyone

Comparing yourself to is toxic

If you are comparing yourself to someone then listen to a story

So our late Abdul kalam we're giving a speech in Hall with hundreds of students and there comes out a student saying I wanted to just become like you I want to be like you as you are... Do you know what our kalam said he said never ever say that again try to become like someone because if you take a printout of a paper do the printout called the original even when it's totally exact replicate it's called xerox but not the original so never try to become like someone or try to compare yourself

You are one and only The original... Don't try to replicate others❤️😄

Here is the video by our shiva anna which made me write this message when I saw that video it reminded me of the story❤️don't forget to like and share the video with your friends 

Good morning Thop people😄❤️

Have a great day ahead😀❤️



Do you know what I did? Do you know what were my mistakes? Do you know what I got my account and added money to my wallet in the stock market and now I was ready to trade just I was a minute away to buy stock in the company I got excited and I invested in Reliance naval and engineering ltd. I bought it without even thinking and suddenly after buying the price went down I got tensed and I asked my dad what to do and he suggested I sell if I am willing to do so. I sold them without even thinking and waiting next minute after selling them it regain their value and prices went up even I only had a loss of 50 rupees and 15 rupees transaction charges but I learned many things that day we should think before investing we should do research before investing we should never panic. when we make a decision and we are confident about it we should never regret it. Moreover, if we get lost we should get over and move on rather than regretting loss. When we are investing in stocks we should remember one thing when you put money in it that's it forget about the money just think you have lost it totally think that you lost your money because we have to remember one thing the way it shows profit it also shows loss it has a high rate of risk so think you lost money even before you actually lose money it makes easier to accept the truth and makes you comfortable with the loss.


let's open a Demat account through which we are going to get live into buying stocks what is required to Demat account? a pan card an account Aadhaar card I think they are more than enough but for the purpose of clarity I provided a link that would be helpful for reference if not just try to google it there you will get more information
while opening a Demat account just beware of the charges like it varies from app to app person to person the charges are more important like some say opening an account in their app is free but you have to pay a maintenance charge for keeping that account and some say opening the account is not free but account maintenance charge is less or minimal they are many charges like Annual Account maintenance fee trading fee brokerage fee account opening fee Dematerialization of share certificates Rematerialization of share certificates they are many apps out there what happens with them is the way they provide the service the way they take care of the network, framework, app interface using experience the accessibility changes from app to app and charges they are not the same for all apps what is our biggest task before trading is we should choose an app where we are going to trade. some of the apps for trading
there are many apps still I cannot say which one is the best for that you have to compare yourself and know the benefits of joining a particular app.


  Still doesn't agree with me in investing in stocks! right?

Wait let me tell you a simple and true example... So in 2002 when I was born my father used to invest in the stock market at that time he knew a share called tanla solutions do you know what its price was at that time it was 3 Rupees per share and price of gold was around 6000 per 10 gms I assume and land rates were nominal I too don't have much idea about in land rates but they were nominal... Now after 18 years can you guess the price of tanla solutions you can google it the price went up to 1100 per share just imagine you do nothing just invest 3 rupees in a share and never again bother about it and after 18 years it gives you 1000 rupees without doing nothing now 1000 rupees is not a big price let me explain you this way you invested 3000 that means you get 1000 shares of tanla solutions and now if you are going to sell them then you will almost get 10 lakhs if we Only Invested 3000 thousand you are getting 10 lakhs what if you invested 3 lakhs 3 crores in 2002? Just imagine the numbers and gold rate now it is around 51k yes gold rates too increased but do the math stocks gives us more money than gold and do you know what starting of the lockdown tanla solutions were still at 60 rupees per share suddenly it rose up to 1000 rupees per share... Still doesn't agree with me... Stocks may be risky but when you are confident and you have researched everything before investing then you just have to sit back and rest... Gold may be stolen gold may be evaporated... But stocks never!


  Why invest in stocks when there is high risk?

Everyone invests money in either stocks or gold or land because if you have x amount of money with you for a certain period of time then the value of money decreases! Yes, the value of money decreases! So let us consider an example we bought a Tv one year back and when we were checking its price recently it rises around 4k. If we didn't buy Tv last year and we would keep the money as it is and Now, if try to buy it with the same amount would it happen! The price has increased right but the amount of money is the same! Now did the value of money changed? no, but I am not able to buy the Tv! Prices will increase every day if we stagnate the money then you are letting the value of your money decrease! So this is the main reason everyone invests money in something. As we know stocks are very risky but the only thing is that it also the best way to earn money... I saw somewhere it said the stock market gives 1600% returns and land gives around 400-500 % returns whereas gold gives around 200%. Now 1600% is not a joke and this money is also taxed so you earning it legally right? So most of them invest in stocks.

  Hello everyone,

I studied in Sri Chaitanya junior college, many would-be heard about the college and culture and some things regarding the education saying they rub the syllabus and they make them by rote. yes, they are true and they do because when the exam we are giving has that standard, what else they can do, and surprisingly it works for some of them! so I have a story to share with you all,

so it was the time of my final public exams and it was before two days I think everyone on the campus was having their normal time some were having fun some were reading and some may be sleeping like me and suddenly something happens and everything goes silent in a blink everyone is confused and doesn't know what's going on. I used to sit by the window so when I looked out of the window we saw students coming out of the other campus. we were shocked to see them out! All were going here and there and were in constant fear we tried to know what happened and the only thing we heard was someone from the other campus tried to commit suicide when we heard this something happened to us we didn't understand how to respond to the situation and we totally blank and what do you think what would have happened that made someone commit suicide! we got the total story at the breaks! let me share the story with you

The one who committed suicide was caught bringing drinks into the campus and also we got to know that he was used to drinking and smoking. when he was caught he had a little fight with the management and the next day principal called him and his friends to the office room and decided that they would inform everything to the parents. He warned that if they did so he would certainly commit suicide. The management didn't listen to him and they go on to say his parents and his dad just said he is coming and that's it he went to the hostel locked himself in the room and few hours passed when everyone tried to find him he was gone! it was late and when they tried to take hospital one of the hospital refused as it was a suicide case and they tried another hospital that's it they had no chance at all! when his parents arrived there and saw him in that condition they were totally broken, they were almost in parts! All the students wanted to do something but it was our public exams time and we had to give the exam the very next day and as usual, it was not covered in any news channel as it was not any breaking news...

what if management didn't inform the parents?
what if his father could smoothly talk to him on the call itself and sought it afterward?
what if he took this just normal and could handle it with care, it is not a crime to drink and smoke, is it?
what if he could talk to his father and settle it out then and there itself?
what if......they are still many questions, but what difference would it make now, what can we do now? nothing right? 
just ending up in life is not the solution for everything...
 if there comes a situation
just remember the faces of parents how sad will they be, when they will know about this?
how will they live without you?
how can they even be.... children are the whole world to the parents they just live to make us happy!!

just please don't try to do anything like this in your life! just, please!!


  Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is safe and sound,

Today for some reason I had to go out far from my place around 100km, I usually plan everything and proceed to do I don't try to do without having minimal knowledge so I planned everything and started, the up journey was fine and good but down journey while returning it was not in my plans I had to change 2 buses that's it I would be home but as we are aware of lockdown restrictions bus services would be suspended after one and while down journey it was approaching to one and I still had one hour left I took the first bus it was as planned but while the second bus I was informed that the buses were already off to the destination now I am still around 40 km away from my home and now I was totally blank as I didn't know the place now I had to return before the lockdown starts so I had to take any different kind of transport so I took auto and it was only up to a half way then I had to walk up to some distance so I can get onto highway now again I thought i would i take a bus but it too didn't happen according plan and forced me to take another auto and now i was few minutes away from home and restrictions started i was too scared as i taught i will be stopped somewhere but it didn't happen!!
 Now, why am I sharing this sometimes we plan everything we would be clear with our destination but the path couldn't help us reach the destination then rather changing destination we should change the path !! I had a clear path total idea of what I was going to do but the wind was not in my direction I had to go in the direction of the wind I reached my home even when I was not aware of my path it was rough and tough but it took me to my destination!!
don't worry I took all the precautions, I wore a mask and tried to follow all the guidelines, and also after reaching home I took a bath!! we had kept mandatory at our home if anyone of us is out and I had to come in contact with anyone then we would take a bath and drink hot water until then we are not allowed into the house!!
Happy Wednesday!!



This may be weird but it is real and true! This photo always reminds me that the above quote is true! I was exhausted totally even when I was not in the mood to do anything and I was returning home! This board caught me it was barely visible to anyone I assume because it was very above and also it was not the exit way yet I saw this I was very much happy because I saw this...gratitude is becoming part of me I am happy that I can see my blessings I am receiving and I am happy for is making me express myself it is making me write it is making me find myself in me! :)


Hope everyone is staying home and are safe and sound

Today I came across a video which I wanted to share with you all

The video quotes

"vo jo bole kar ,

Maa-baap ke decision shayd galat ho sakte hai..

unki niyat kabhi galat nahi hoti"

which translates,




I found this one so touching and awesome!! I thought of sharing this with you

Happy Saturday 



Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...