Wednesday 1 September 2021


 Time is so subjective that when you enjoy doing something you do you don't get to know that you are working so hard

Hello Happy people😄

You must be wondering whether you opened the correct group or not? You must be wondering whether it is thop gratitude hour group or not? Don't worry it's thop gratitude hour group only

I am sharing this because I wanted to share something with you all you know we have weekly calls with our team for one hour you can go on asking randomly to our team members how they spent their one hour meet with team and team would go on saying it just happened and we didn't even know when one hour was passed. Do you know why? Because we have fun we get to talk with everyone once a week and we have this one hour  so magical that it just happens that's it!we all know how hard it is to write gratitude cards. We have to find the time we have to find a good design we have to write good words we have to add some good emojis we have to make it look apt we have to make it beautiful we have to make it sound sense for others... Uff how hard it is right? 😂

If I go on I would also be thinking as a burden I don't want to think of it as a burden😂In our team we enjoy writing cards we enjoy surfing designs😂🤭and if we find a good one that's it we will use it for writing cards for everyone😌it's the only rule... I know the Aurora of gratitude is now not the same which we used to have in our early days I don't know the reasons but I know it has been decreased🥺

You know something about Aurora of gratitude if you just connect with some part of it Aurora it will pull you itself...even when you are not trying to... So let's connect with the Aurora of gratitude❤️😄

Hope everyone writes cards for their loved ones or their caring ones

Don't forget to add them in our gratitude photos🤭💖we already crossed 2000... let's make it 10000 soon🖤💞

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Till September.

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