Wednesday 1 September 2021


 Stressed up with your day

Stressed up with your assignments

Stressed up with your incompletes

Stressed up with your works

Stressed up with your thoughts

Stressed up with Hectic job

Stressed up with your anything

My friend, it's totally fine to say you are stressed up with them it's totally ok to say I am not ok today... We all think about telling others about it then we stop and think what other people will think don't forget that other person you have yourself to... What would your future self think when you are not taking care of yourself?

Ok, I understood I am out of context😂

Whatever I wanted to convey was to talk to the person about everything not all but at least the person knows about what you are going through... We all are going through a lot we won't open but we all know it... Nothing is more important than our mental health care of it nobody is coming to care of our mental health it's our own responsibility to take care of it! 

Good morning thop people

Have a great day ahead :)

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Till September.

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