Wednesday 1 September 2021

 How can't we get bored?😂

How can't we don't get tired? 
How can't we get exhausted?
Many at some point feel exhausted bored tired stressed hectic annoyed disgusted and many more
why don't we all get this kind of feeling?
do you think we are special?do you think we are different?
Yes, we are so special, we are totally different we are always in the excited mode we are always ready to do any kind of work because we never get stressed we are happy with what we have we are in our own world we are in our circle where everyone is like-minded people
but why I am talking about this when everyone already knew this
so recently or every time whenever I post a card or blog or a video on my WhatsApp status my friends get annoyed😂and we all know how friends are when they get annoyed right? they start teasing us I used to be upset for while back then but now I am upset instead  I am happy because they are at least looking at my status at least they are some people who are giving attention to my status or story or my blog or my video it made me happy because at least they saw it and they took time for me even in their busy schedule they spent some time for my Whatsapp status...I started seeing beauty in everything I started realizing that whatever happens, it happens for a reason what should we do whenever we can't see good in what we do we should just accept it and be grateful because when you come out of the storm you would never be the same person you will be having an experience which you can use it when you face that again or else share with others and help them! But what helped me get to this stage so was writing cards for my school friends then I wrote cards for a friend with whom I really had a bad time like we all have some horrible days right? I had them with this guy as I was writing a card for everyone I had to write for him while writing I understood they were also good times with him then why am I still grieving for the horrible days when I also had good days I started being grateful for them and this way in every bad situation or comment I am trying to find a good one sounds good right? but sometimes we don't find a good one then try to make a good one😂when you are capable of making good then why find! how can you make a good one just go and write a card for a friend or yourself and leave the rest on the magic of gratitude it will be on its way don't worry to make you happy
thank you for reading my dear friend😀💗
hey you know something, I didn't see you smile please do me favour please smile and look into the mirror and see how beautiful your smile is!💝🌟

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...