Wednesday 1 September 2021

  My Dear friend

5 years trip to an isolated island+

free food


only you will be there

your phone 

your laptop

and whatever electronic device you need for entertainment you can take with you on this trip

and most of the benefit you will be far from the people

for free free free free.........

wow wait you imagined everything right I know you imagined it🤭😂 exciting right? will you buy this thought?

most of us would buy this thought?

this message is for one who buys this thought😂okay you didn't buy this thought doesn't mean that you should not read please read till the end 

so this one I will answer in two ways 

first-way funny one

see my friend he said free food but he didn't say he will provide pizzas burgers and so on our diet and our food ok 😂free food meant you have to go on the sea and catch your food or it may be meant go on to the island and find your food

television is provided right but he didn't mention he will provide you electricity😂so whatever you take after the draining of the battery it would be useless

I want to appreciate you because without telling you could imagine buying the thought and most of us may be imagined 5 years too living on it😂

second part

🫂my friend are you okay?

did you eat today?

do you want to talk about something?

what are you holding back?

how was your day?

how is your health?

how are you doing?

how are the people around you?

why do you want to get on the island where no one is there in the first place🥺🫂

it's totally fine my friend I can feel you everything is going to be fine you are going to come out of this soon?

if you need me I am there just message me?

my friend I don't know anything about mental health or I want to share mental health knowledge all I want is you to be okay...on the first place I don't want to post this but I did to get connected to your heart my friend❤️

Thank you for reading my friend❤️🫂 very few people read till here and you made till here thank you, my friend, ❤️

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Till September.

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