Wednesday 1 September 2021

 So I was waiting for my friend at the metro station to make time fly I was scrolling my phone suddenly I remembered I forgot my specs at home now I had no choice to go get them so I went from the metro station to home and when I again coming to the metro station I got the call and they were waiting for me and now I was in total hurry burry I went to ticket counter took my ticket and I was all set to go suddenly I saw one person struggling to get through the security at the metro station we all know right? we have to show the barcode to the machine so that it will scan our ticket and allow us but he was trying for a time and everyone we just passing by I no one tries to help and barely anyone noticed his struggle so I took a moment and stopped for a moment asked him his ticket and showed him how to do it and let him do it himself and we went by our didn't cost me anything I just took from few seconds to a minute and I just helped him I didn't get anything but I got a chance to help someone even I didn't even know him...I don't know how he felt but I was happy for a moment because I helped someone even in my hurry burry time😂we are not that busy with our lives that we cannot have some time to help someone it's all about our mindset if we want to help someone we would do it anyway even we are busy or we don't know how to do...don't be selfish try to help because this whole is being selfish there are only few who will help or willing to help in that few be a one and tell proudly that you are among the few you are different from others you are valuable you are worthy you are that someone how anyone can rely on!

Thank you! Hey, don't forget to smile in your busy schedule smiling is the best gift you can give yourself 😀

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...