Wednesday 1 September 2021

  Hello everyone,

I studied in Sri Chaitanya junior college, many would-be heard about the college and culture and some things regarding the education saying they rub the syllabus and they make them by rote. yes, they are true and they do because when the exam we are giving has that standard, what else they can do, and surprisingly it works for some of them! so I have a story to share with you all,

so it was the time of my final public exams and it was before two days I think everyone on the campus was having their normal time some were having fun some were reading and some may be sleeping like me and suddenly something happens and everything goes silent in a blink everyone is confused and doesn't know what's going on. I used to sit by the window so when I looked out of the window we saw students coming out of the other campus. we were shocked to see them out! All were going here and there and were in constant fear we tried to know what happened and the only thing we heard was someone from the other campus tried to commit suicide when we heard this something happened to us we didn't understand how to respond to the situation and we totally blank and what do you think what would have happened that made someone commit suicide! we got the total story at the breaks! let me share the story with you

The one who committed suicide was caught bringing drinks into the campus and also we got to know that he was used to drinking and smoking. when he was caught he had a little fight with the management and the next day principal called him and his friends to the office room and decided that they would inform everything to the parents. He warned that if they did so he would certainly commit suicide. The management didn't listen to him and they go on to say his parents and his dad just said he is coming and that's it he went to the hostel locked himself in the room and few hours passed when everyone tried to find him he was gone! it was late and when they tried to take hospital one of the hospital refused as it was a suicide case and they tried another hospital that's it they had no chance at all! when his parents arrived there and saw him in that condition they were totally broken, they were almost in parts! All the students wanted to do something but it was our public exams time and we had to give the exam the very next day and as usual, it was not covered in any news channel as it was not any breaking news...

what if management didn't inform the parents?
what if his father could smoothly talk to him on the call itself and sought it afterward?
what if he took this just normal and could handle it with care, it is not a crime to drink and smoke, is it?
what if he could talk to his father and settle it out then and there itself?
what if......they are still many questions, but what difference would it make now, what can we do now? nothing right? 
just ending up in life is not the solution for everything...
 if there comes a situation
just remember the faces of parents how sad will they be, when they will know about this?
how will they live without you?
how can they even be.... children are the whole world to the parents they just live to make us happy!!

just please don't try to do anything like this in your life! just, please!!


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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...