Wednesday 1 September 2021

  🤭are you still listening? 


Hello happy people you must be wondering what I am talking and some might also probably figured it out, yes I am talking about our book "Uncommon accomplishments of common people The Part-2" Coverpage🤭🤭I like the book calling part-2... So coverage... If you see our coverage it's two people looking at the sky and talking....suddenly one stops the other and asks whether he is still listening or not... Other replies yes I am listening... So through this, I wanted to convey that we are still continuing the book we are still listening to your stories... We want to hear your stories...we want to hear your heart speak! 

You know sometimes we share our stories with others so that our heart feels light not because we want their suggestion or solution😂ok I know it's a post in insta🤭you something we added seven stories in our book don't forget to read them💓

You can share your stories with us we will be adding your stories in our book...❤️

Here is the link to view it!AoTYNbhu5oEjgRUL2SYnD59UPRsW?e=wkYQPn

Good morning Thop people😄

Happy reading:)

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Till September.

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