Wednesday 1 September 2021

  Wake up, wake up, wake up

You must be wondering why I am asking you to wake up when you are about to sleep... Oh, my dear friend wake up see again I asked🤦‍♂️👀

Ok let me tell you from where you should wake up even when you are awake

My dear friend wakes up from the dream of trying to become someone else, wakes up from the dream of becoming the best version of yourself by comparing others... Comparing not again

You know what I used to compare myself with everyone I see meet to talk with my cousins with my friends till recently I myself with a friend who had a good score in jee... But you know what I stopped it when I stopped comparing myself I had peace because I am not becoming someone else I am not imitating to become someone else I saw many motivational videos regarding comparing but none of them mattered to me but a few days ago when I thought I was in mess I texted Shivani Akka she said I was comparing myself and she asked me to stop doing that I don't know how but I stopped comparing myself with others then I was free from many things I had self peace

My dear friend, you think my version of comparing is boring😂

Don't worry it's totally fine😂we are all different people with different thoughts situations... Commonly, you may find my version boring

Just remember my dear friend in the process of becoming the best version of yourself by comparing don't forget the real you the one which makes you

Even when I don't recommend comparing but you becoming the best version of your self so let's take a chance

Never ever forget the real you the one who makes you❤️

Thank you for reading...I don't know whether this was worthy of your time to read but thank you for reading🫂

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