Wednesday 1 September 2021

 You were busy right you didn't see my msg you didn't have time to read my message invested time in it yet you ignored it you were too busy to ignore my message you didn't reply to it correctly you just kept emojis to my messages you just said thank you for sharing you were too busy right right right?

wait what stop why I am thinking about you no why it is happening wait for a second let me think why I am thinking about you right😂

don't worry I am totally fine and sound just telling my overthinking thoughts.....ok now you know I am going to talk about overthinking and I will ask you to leave it that's it right and now you will write about not overthinking few lines and think you are satisfied me!😂

its totally ok my friend no body in this world is perfect nobody is in this world is flawless nobody in this world can be 100% correct....yes we overthink i overthink now how can i get over these thoughts when i get these kind of thoughts i talk with my most special two persons one will give me a solution and encouragment and one gives me relief to talk to them and most importantly i give time to these thoughts to get rid of them....dont worry i will not get upset when you dont reply me i lately understood that in this whole world everyone are busy with their lifes everyone are in their own mess its sad but its fact just wanted remain you two things being that busy is it good for you health and mainly your mental health if it so not affecting your health you can continue to be busy but if affects your health my dear freind understand its time to say no for being busy and other thing is overthinking its totally fine if you are overthinker we all are some of them might disagree with me that they are not overthinker its fine baba your not overthinker i am very happy that your not a overthinker but i am so i talk with my special persons and what do you do to tackle these overthinking problem let us know how knows someone like me may benefit from your msg and may it change his life..let me know your version of solutions for overthinking😂

hope I didn't cross my line if I did so I am very sorry🥺 I never meant in another way!

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Till September.

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