Wednesday 1 September 2021


  Why invest in stocks when there is high risk?

Everyone invests money in either stocks or gold or land because if you have x amount of money with you for a certain period of time then the value of money decreases! Yes, the value of money decreases! So let us consider an example we bought a Tv one year back and when we were checking its price recently it rises around 4k. If we didn't buy Tv last year and we would keep the money as it is and Now, if try to buy it with the same amount would it happen! The price has increased right but the amount of money is the same! Now did the value of money changed? no, but I am not able to buy the Tv! Prices will increase every day if we stagnate the money then you are letting the value of your money decrease! So this is the main reason everyone invests money in something. As we know stocks are very risky but the only thing is that it also the best way to earn money... I saw somewhere it said the stock market gives 1600% returns and land gives around 400-500 % returns whereas gold gives around 200%. Now 1600% is not a joke and this money is also taxed so you earning it legally right? So most of them invest in stocks.

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...