Wednesday 1 September 2021


let's open a Demat account through which we are going to get live into buying stocks what is required to Demat account? a pan card an account Aadhaar card I think they are more than enough but for the purpose of clarity I provided a link that would be helpful for reference if not just try to google it there you will get more information
while opening a Demat account just beware of the charges like it varies from app to app person to person the charges are more important like some say opening an account in their app is free but you have to pay a maintenance charge for keeping that account and some say opening the account is not free but account maintenance charge is less or minimal they are many charges like Annual Account maintenance fee trading fee brokerage fee account opening fee Dematerialization of share certificates Rematerialization of share certificates they are many apps out there what happens with them is the way they provide the service the way they take care of the network, framework, app interface using experience the accessibility changes from app to app and charges they are not the same for all apps what is our biggest task before trading is we should choose an app where we are going to trade. some of the apps for trading
there are many apps still I cannot say which one is the best for that you have to compare yourself and know the benefits of joining a particular app.

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...