Wednesday 1 September 2021

  So let's do an activity

Why don't we take our phone and call that one special person? 

Why don't we call them to talk with them for a while? 

Why don't we say thank them for their support? 

Why don't we thank them for their encouragement? 

Why don't we laugh with them for a while? 

Why don't we share everything that happened today with them? 

Why don't we say sorry if lost touch with them? 

Ok now you all would have probably a name going in your mind and you are about to call them? Right😂

Why can't that someone be yourself?

Why can't you talk to that one person who always believes in you no matter what

Why can't you thank yourself 

Why can't you share everything with yourself

Why can you laugh at yourself

Ok! I know if we did so the world would think us a maniac right? 

Let them think about what's wrong with it! All the intelligent people look like a maniac to this world🖤

Let's not listen to the world let them listen to us speak❤️

Good night happy people

Hope you will make a call yourself and talk for a while before sleeping😄

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...