Thursday 2 September 2021

Thank you so much!

Hey, don't worry I didn't end my blog even before I started it actually today I helped someone who thanked me with the same words let me describe it to you in detail if you have time you can read it till the end and if you don't have time to summarise in two sentences I helped someone they thanked me that's it!

So I went to college regarding hostel allotment and I had to pay a dd(demand draft) at the bank so I went to visit the bank now at the bank I wrote my form and I was waiting for the its bank and many people and of all kind of age groups right?
so I was filling some other form I was like somewhere in the corner and I was filling my form I was doing just doing my work now suddenly a grandma approached me and asked to a fill she was aged so I asked her to sit beside me and I helped her fill the form I filled each and every detail to my knowledge and I just asked her to sign and now when the form was ready she just said thank you so much I continued my work and then suddenly an elder approached asking me a pen I had so I gave him! what is in it?is this worth sharing? 
Many of us had the same kind of experiences right?
then my friend feel special in a room full of people someone just came to you asking to fill the form how special you should be?
in a room full of people around 100 people the probability of a person coming to you is 1/100. it is a .01 percent chance of him meeting you if I am wrong never mind because I am weak at probability but you are really special don't forget that!

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...