Tuesday 26 October 2021

I was in a meet I always connect my lap to the wireless headset and it was going nicely suddenly I couldn't hear for a few seconds and suddenly it again it heard for some time and it happened again now I couldn't disconnect the headset and connect again because it would be disconnecting from the meet now what can I do?
I thought for a few seconds now I want to know what was going on without being disconnected...suddenly I remembered I have an option called captions which gives subtitles for the person talking now I was able to see what they were talking about without having audio
sometimes having a problem is itself a solution.......!!

Saturday 23 October 2021

I always used to have one thing which I proudly say I did it for some it may be small for some it may be nothing for some it may be huge for some it may be just normal but for me, it was a moment which I can say proudly or one which always gives me courage saying you can do anything... So I went 200 km away from home all alone by bus and the best part is I don't even know the place I am going I went to give an entrance test for a school when I was in 8 standards I was probably 11 years old and I did it alone what does an 11 years kid how was never sent out alone know so I always get courage from this incident but now something happened which gives me even more courage then ever my brother started going to school all alone by traveling in the bus now what's the catch in it? 

My brother is physically handicapped and he cannot hear anything and he is not that good at speaking he started traveling on the city bus and started going to school all alone it happened a few days back where I was all against sending him alone to school by bus I knew he traveled there for a like 1000 times but every time he had someone to assist but this time he was alone so I was not that agreeable he was stubborn and he went all alone to school and happily he returned home in the evening I was like wow he made it back... This gave me courage like if can do it why can't I?

Wednesday 13 October 2021

 I don't know how she knows I am just feeling low I don't know how she knew I am having mood off I don't know how she gets a sense that something is bothering me she just comes to check up on me and magically my mood only gets right when I talk to her even when I talk many people about what's going on but it remains the same but when I talk to her I just get so relaxed and refreshed I just feel energized by talking to her she calls me mawa which I don't know what it refers to but I just feel connected to her even when I say her name I feel like I am just committing a crime it doesn't feel correct she is senior to me but she never makes me feel like a junior she makes me feel like her own brother I don't how she can do it but she does...I got to know her too in Thop E-cell
Thank you Shivani Akka for always pushing me and making me comfortable with the world

 so today I had a call with my friend whom I fondly call my sista which refers to sister sometimes when people call her by her name I get confused whom they are referring to because i call her by the name once in a blue moon so we met through Our thop e-cell we have fun every day whenever we talk we can go on for hours yet feel like we didn't talk anything we used to have fun by having meets for late nights watching movies and so I have two brothers and I always wanted to have a sister I don't know why? but I always wanted to...I found this friend who just treats me as her elder brother I just got connected to her we never feel separated even when are miles away we just feel happy to talk to each other we just have a great time together...so today I had a call with her and at the end, she asked me to study I was just amazed because I had to study in my today's schedule but couldn't make it due to some reasons...she cared for my studies I have many friends but very few force us to study I know studying isn't the whole world but there will be people ready to point out when they get chance so I find people asking me to study caring one everyone will support you in every way but there will be few people who push you towards your studies
I will always be grateful to E-Cell for giving me a whole new family in E-cell
We can learn skills anywhere in the world but having a family is a different thing!
Thank you for always motivating me and pushing me to become the best version of myself sista❤️

so today our house was totally a mess...of course! it happens daily but today it was even more so our we have a festival ahead even we are not celebrating this year due to some personal reasons which are not worth discussing...we were making snacks which we only do few times a year so making snacks this requires my mother to constantly be in the kitchen and stand for several hours so while doing the chores our house becomes somewhat clumsy and after the completion, my mother was totally exhausted so I served my plate myself, of course, i do it many times so when I was serving my plate I found some atta was sticking to my leg now I got devastated because that feeling when something sticks to my leg I get irritated so I so a cloth near to my leg I cleaned it with suddenly a voice hit me saying what are you doing...it was from my mother and I was like cleaning my leg she said that it was cooking cloth, not a cleaning cloth I asked what happens we can wash it but she went to explain to me that cooking cloth is equal to the goddess of money now how can a cleaning cloth compared with goodness of money whatever but what we can learn with this incident even a cleaning cloth is compared to godess of money in our culture then how valuable we must be! we have many things to learn around it's just the way of thinking and looking at the perspective that matters!
Hope I make sense...!

Monday 11 October 2021

Saying "I am hungry! " is Prohibited in our house

Sounds crazy right? but it is!

According to our culture and traditions, we are usually prohibited from saying it out loud

I always used to wonder why it is so!? still, I am wondering why it is!? 

But after knowing about what positivity does and Knowing about 'The secret' i understood maybe some part of it...saying I am hungry is a negative statement and when we think and send a negative statement to the universe we receive negativity back so instead of being stomach filled I may be starved..maybe it was a reason for it...? 

Our ancestors knew everything and they had every solution for every situation may be saying this statement increase negativity...so it is prohibited

this was Just my thought which I wanted to share with everyone...feel free to tell all the things which we are prohibited and let's see can we come up with reasons or not!? 

Monday 4 October 2021

Just for few hours, that's it...it created a huge panic in people...it created anxiety and many more...yes, it's about WhatsApp and social media being down
They had some issues. It was down for few hours that's it...why did it create a panic kind of thing, Many works got stranded, Many felt like they are disconnected from the world, Many felt like they are not able to complete the works, Many were like they not able to concentrate on their works....are we living in a world controlled by social media... why can't we do regular works when some apps or sites are having server issues or down...
I don't know about others but I feel many people don't know or understand what they have in their hands.....many people are not aware of the work they do or what they are doing they just go in a flow it's fine to go inflow in the process they should learn everything that they do but many people out there are not able to do it....when someone assigns some work many just do it and leave it......do you think is it enough to survive in this rat race....no right whenever we do something or whenever someone assigns us some work we should always learn the surrounding of the work too we should always try to learn everything regarding what we are doing and what we have in our plates.
Another thing is about the time when someone messages you ...do you reply within seconds or minutes... the honest answer would be no whoever might it be everyone is trained in a way that they tend to message or reply slowly even when they are free even when they see the message they reply lately...if they are busy then it's totally fine but when you saw a message and you are free is it correct...just think for few seconds someone took time from their life to message you to ask you help how valuable it might how special you are and most importantly time always respect and give importance to the one's who spend time for you once they feel that their time is not being valued how much time it takes for them to get away there are billions of people out there you might be special you might be unique you might be irreplaceable but once you don't give importance to the time other person keeps for you that's it you are just a person like everyone always try to give importance for the time they spend for you....it's the most important thing I feel these are just my thoughts felt like sharing.

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...