Monday 11 October 2021

Saying "I am hungry! " is Prohibited in our house

Sounds crazy right? but it is!

According to our culture and traditions, we are usually prohibited from saying it out loud

I always used to wonder why it is so!? still, I am wondering why it is!? 

But after knowing about what positivity does and Knowing about 'The secret' i understood maybe some part of it...saying I am hungry is a negative statement and when we think and send a negative statement to the universe we receive negativity back so instead of being stomach filled I may be starved..maybe it was a reason for it...? 

Our ancestors knew everything and they had every solution for every situation may be saying this statement increase it is prohibited

this was Just my thought which I wanted to share with everyone...feel free to tell all the things which we are prohibited and let's see can we come up with reasons or not!? 


Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...