Tuesday 4 January 2022

 So couple of days earlier me and my friends attended marriage of our mam's daughter... So we went to do some works and dance... I am not good at dance so I felt I was adding any value to the trip so I did small tasks which were in my hands... When a marriage happens their would be a lot of works right.. So I did few of them and what I can do..! We a enjoyed a lot at the marriage everyone had a lot of fun we had many memories many pics together and many more... It was one of our memorable thing which we done in last two years we spent almost two days together enjoying and while we were returning there was this manager who gave compliments... And he gave me too a compliment... I usually don't take compliments and give because it makes me feel their make the person become proud and become over confident so I avoid most of the compliments but this one was special...he said I behave like a child but have a quality be a lion kind off thing...this compliment made me happy because he was a random guy... He didn't had to do it and he didn't even over praised he just said what qualities he observed in a person what made me feel special was out of 22 people he gave compliments to 5-6 and I was one of them... It really made me feel special I didn't do anything I was just being myself so it made me feel special


Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...