Saturday 23 October 2021

I always used to have one thing which I proudly say I did it for some it may be small for some it may be nothing for some it may be huge for some it may be just normal but for me, it was a moment which I can say proudly or one which always gives me courage saying you can do anything... So I went 200 km away from home all alone by bus and the best part is I don't even know the place I am going I went to give an entrance test for a school when I was in 8 standards I was probably 11 years old and I did it alone what does an 11 years kid how was never sent out alone know so I always get courage from this incident but now something happened which gives me even more courage then ever my brother started going to school all alone by traveling in the bus now what's the catch in it? 

My brother is physically handicapped and he cannot hear anything and he is not that good at speaking he started traveling on the city bus and started going to school all alone it happened a few days back where I was all against sending him alone to school by bus I knew he traveled there for a like 1000 times but every time he had someone to assist but this time he was alone so I was not that agreeable he was stubborn and he went all alone to school and happily he returned home in the evening I was like wow he made it back... This gave me courage like if can do it why can't I?

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...