Tuesday 9 November 2021

 So today I had my semester exam and I went to the Hall took the paper sat down waiting for the start of exam and when I received question paper I read the paper and I started writing and when I was in the middle I was struck I was not able to solve it I tried all the ways I know and when I was trying to figure it out one of the sir's came to sign my additional and take my sign on the attendance sheet he was there for like 2 min he while leaving just said don't get nervous.... I was like what..? Am I nervous..! I thought for few seconds and I too felt the same I was nervously and tensed so I too a moment left the question and started writing another section ...! 

Sometime we don't even know what's going on with us then taking a moment talking with close ones and taking advice is totally fine...!! 


Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...