Monday 4 October 2021

Just for few hours, that's created a huge panic in created anxiety and many more...yes, it's about WhatsApp and social media being down
They had some issues. It was down for few hours that's it...why did it create a panic kind of thing, Many works got stranded, Many felt like they are disconnected from the world, Many felt like they are not able to complete the works, Many were like they not able to concentrate on their works....are we living in a world controlled by social media... why can't we do regular works when some apps or sites are having server issues or down...
I don't know about others but I feel many people don't know or understand what they have in their hands.....many people are not aware of the work they do or what they are doing they just go in a flow it's fine to go inflow in the process they should learn everything that they do but many people out there are not able to do it....when someone assigns some work many just do it and leave you think is it enough to survive in this rat right whenever we do something or whenever someone assigns us some work we should always learn the surrounding of the work too we should always try to learn everything regarding what we are doing and what we have in our plates.
Another thing is about the time when someone messages you you reply within seconds or minutes... the honest answer would be no whoever might it be everyone is trained in a way that they tend to message or reply slowly even when they are free even when they see the message they reply lately...if they are busy then it's totally fine but when you saw a message and you are free is it correct...just think for few seconds someone took time from their life to message you to ask you help how valuable it might how special you are and most importantly time always respect and give importance to the one's who spend time for you once they feel that their time is not being valued how much time it takes for them to get away there are billions of people out there you might be special you might be unique you might be irreplaceable but once you don't give importance to the time other person keeps for you that's it you are just a person like everyone always try to give importance for the time they spend for's the most important thing I feel these are just my thoughts felt like sharing.

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...