Sunday 8 October 2023

Till September.


Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year?

Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write a series of my Mumbai blog and the next thing I remembered was that there was a draft of a blog about Mumbai that I never posted. Let it be that way. 

So I wanted to give an update I got a job in September and I am not sure how I feel about it. Having a job makes you feel secure but in my case, it makes me nervous I planned to have a job when everything went south but I got the job when I hadn't even started doing things I mean I wanted to go abroad, have a good gate score, start a company, have a PhD and my last option was to have a job. I don't understand how it works I have been trying to explain to everyone that I got 9.5 in 10th, 966 in inter, 93.5 percentile in jee, and 7514 rank in eamcet I always brag about these things but I never worked hard like I might work in last month of preparation for exam and I could score these what if I prepared wholeheartedly for hours without distraction...ok we might not know what will happen because I won't do that. But whatever I worked in last month I worked with my whole heart no sleep no food no entertainment I even have days where I studied on an empty stomach ( ok there are all probably the Sundays, I'm a hosteler) but I did work hard. I am not here to settle right? 

I don't even understand why people don't believe I sat in placements because I believed I wouldn't get the part. I was 100% sure that I wouldn't get that so I thought why don't I give it a try for it? Even after the interview, I was sure I screwed things up like I had my umms and hmms while talking I couldn't convey everything I thought I would convey and I didn't write everything I did on my resume I had to leave a few things due to a few reasons so I was confident enough that I wouldn't get it until I saw my name on the list. My exact reaction was what????? 

Ok even after getting the part I still feel I am missing something out. Am I giving up on my dreams? Am I settling for things? 

Anyhow I will figure this out at the end because I believe whatever is written in faith cannot be changed if I am destined to do that I will do folks for now let God decide it. Have a great day everyone.

Thursday 23 March 2023


Knock! Knock!

Who's there? 

My second blog🤭

So We all love to play the knock knock game, but have you ever thought if your life was a game too? Where winning or losing never matters, but playing does.

In my first blog, I began talkimg abour my journey on a cozy and comfortable bus. However, as night fell, thunder rumbled and it began to rain. While rain is a common occurrence, my trip out of state to Mumbai was not. Perhaps the weather was a sign that I should not have traveled, or maybe it was a sign of the joy that nature felt at my bold decision to journey to Mumbai. Though the ride was bumpy and difficult, I eventually reached my destination.

The question on everyone's mind is why did I go to Mumbai? Let's save that for my next blog - some things are worth waiting. 

Reference: Mumbai is the financial capital India.

Wednesday 22 March 2023


Hola, people!!

Do you really read my blog? if yes. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you are enjoying it.

How shall i start? 

Ok!! Let me begin by sharing my journey, which started with some hurdles. I thought Amazon would never disappoint me, but it did. I wanted to book a bus, but it wouldn't take my request. You can imagine me with one bag at the back, which was at full capacity, and two bags in my hands, trying to book a bus. I didn't understand what to do, so I called my dad. He suggested that I call the travel agent directly, and I did. The agent asked me to go to a specific location, and the bus would arrive in 20 minutes. With these two bags in my hand and one at my back, I ran towards the metro station, took the train, and reached the location. When I called the bus driver, he asked me to go to another location. As I had no other option, I went there, and the bus arrived. You know what's special about this? The price for the bus ticket was not yet finalised. Of course, as Indians, we usually finalise it by bargaining, which was done. After boarding the bus, I started enjoying the journey. The bus was incredibly good, and I never knew something affordable could be so good. Sorry, I forgot to tell you where I was going. Do you want to find out? Stay tuned for my next blog post.

Happy Blogging!

P.S.: Travels buses stop at Zam Zam Bakery (Paradise, Secunderabad).

Reference: Took metro from Tarnaka to Paradise. Bus ticket was finalised at 1100 rupees.

Saturday 4 March 2023

Shh!! Don't Open This! 😂

I said not to..but Glad you did! Thank you for not listening to me!

But How did they put up with me? 

A billion-dollar question for me? 

My parents always tell me about me being arrogant, Self-confident, self-obsessed, and all!! 

They said I was the most notorious one in the school😂

I don't understand why people exaggerate about doing business or about startups! what is the minimum age to be an entrepreneur? 

So this was before 4 class ig. If i remember one day I was being called to the principal's office for doing business at school. can you believe it??😂😂 it seems I used to sell toys, fans, and chocolates(which were for a rupee back then and I sold them based on the person ranging from 2 rupees to 5 rupees) I made a profit and one day i was confident enough that I would go alone to home without going in the regular auto I would go in my transport how stupid it is? I remember I was caught because my bag was full of coins🤣

I took one rupee and made around 50 I guess... 

I saw a shop that was lending cycles per hour basis and I did that for a bit this time I told my dad about it!! 

But this whole time I never craved money because I knew I would earn enough money if I wanted to... 

Now was I notorious or not? 

On the other hand, I was innocent too, And not to mention topper😂without studying... I never came last in the class because when I compete I would end up being at the top. I know what I am capable of!! because having brains and using them are two different things and I don't do either of them😌 I have theories, theories which can't be explained but implemented... 

In recent times I got to know I am good at marketing😂 Ok I am a stop for all the things but what can I do? am I good at all things!! 

This blog is only about acknowledging my skills✨

It will take time for people to afford platinum because they are busy affording gold... lmao😂

Friday 3 March 2023

Ok Yaar!! Fine😌

I don't know how many people think of me as a positive person. I am sure most of them think I am a negative person!!😂😂

We were preparing for an exam and I was like what if this question comes today for the test... Period... (My friends were with an expression to kill me) I don't know why I would say that but it's just a what-if case🤧 I couldn't help myself without saying that. Saying that doesn't mean I am a negative person... You can call me a self-conscious person at least. 

Here is a clip from my life❤

So I was conversing with my friend recently and I got to know that I was well known in his family... I was like how?? You guys should have seen my expression it was epic I guarantee you. He went on to even say that his sister even asks sometimes what I am doing...Now it was overhead...How could I not know that?? I am always aware of myself but I didn't know this!! So I went on to ask my friend how could your family know me... He quoted " When we joined this college online you used to be good with me and you used to send the answers".That's it just being nice made me a good person... That's simple right!! I don't know why if I care about a person I could go to extreme ends to help them in whatever way I can... 

Sometimes unknowingly you are a good person in someone's life - Now does it make you a negative person? because in some people's lives, you might be a negative person and a positive one in other stories. Just cling on!! Because you do not know all the chapters of the IPC(Indian Pharmacopeia) All the rules and regulations are not understood until all are read so Just go with the flow and don't give a damn about others' thoughts because you don't have one book to read!! You have around a couple of editions to read in Ipc. 

I hope at least this time I get good grades... Pharma is lub until you start memorizing chapter 2 (Preparation, properties of API) Please someone help me with it😂

To all my posts pending in the draft... i'm gonna finish you soon( Pov- Not a pick-up line) 

Saturday 11 February 2023

Gate 2024!! ✨


This is a statement, not a quote. Today I wrote my GATE 2023 exam finally. I used this as an excuse for procrastination, I guess. I left my German classes for this, and here I am with an experience to share. It was 2 months ago when I acknowledged the GATE exam dates were out. After acknowledging it, what most people do? Act, right? I didn't act at all... How could I? I didn't have the adrenaline rush to do so. But after exactly 1 month and 25 days, there it came... all at once: the adrenaline rush, fear of the exam, stress, assignments, syllabus completions, NMD events, and even Formula E car racing. I never realized I would pull myself out. So while preparing for my exam, there was a constant reminder at home to do well. Every time there was a reminder, I snoozed it off by saying I will do it... But did I really do it? While preparing, I understood I could not do any subjective questions, so I promised myself I would only do aptitude and maths (my favorite one). Today, I am satisfied because I kept my promise to myself. The countdown starts for "GATE 2024".😎🙌

Btw Thank you for buying the tickets for me!! We will go for sure next time🥹❤️

#GATE2023 #ExamStruggle #KeepGoing #NeverGiveUp #StayMotivated

If You could spare some time and like my post then 

😂Sorry i don't have anything to offer though but your likes matter a lot for me atleast!! 

Instagram post link:

Hey Thank you for reading Btw. ❤✨

Thursday 9 February 2023

Hey I am back again!

I heard this somewhere

JEE is considered to be one of the toughest exams, and if you're attempting it, you might be feeling nervous and scared when you can't solve a problem. But did you know that out of the 9 lakh people who write JEE, Out of 9 lakh people even if 1 lakh were toppers and the rest 8 are average people just like us? So, there are 8 lakh people who feel the same way you do and you're not alone.

The question we should ask ourselves during the exam is what sets us apart from the 8 lakh people. Is it giving up or trying to solve at least one question correctly? Or using what little brain we have left and applying common sense? Most of the questions in JEE are general and can be solved with basic formulas.

 In one JEE exam, the highest score was -1! Can you imagine that, just submitting your paper without attempting any questions would have earned you the first rank! So, relax my dear friend, go with the flow, and always attempt to do what you know perfectly. If you're unsure, try to solve it to the best of your abilities, and if you're confident in your answer, select that option. If not, leave it.

And remember how lucky you are, because you already know that the correct answer lies within the four options given. So, don't panic, just chill bro

 As Lord Krishna says-"samay hi samajeyaga".

P.S. This is based on my personal experience. No offense intended and None taken!! 😌😂

Friday 23 December 2022

Random Thoughts

 So we were always told that Lord Rama saves Sita devi from Ravanasura...Right?? 

Wait what if just what if... it's the reverse or converse of what we are told from the time. What if Sita devi saves lord Rama from Ravanasura. what?? it would be crazy to think in that way right but whose loss it's just imagination let's say for instance just for instance what if Ravanasura and Lord Rama were the same people...That's it!! it would be the craziest thing you would hear right...

Now Hear me out for a few minutes!!

If Lord Rama was suffering from a personality disorder that had a wrong side and a good side and the good side was named Rama and the Bad side was called Ravanasura. Now if we see correctly then People say there isn't a person most knowledgeable as Lord Rama so does Ravanasura. No one is as powerful as Lord Rama so does Ravanasura. No one is as glamorous as Lord Rama and so does Ravanasura right most of the qualities of both are the same. why can't there be a scenario both are the same person with different names and personalities. Now when sita finds out this she tries to save him from the wrong side by finding the treatment for which they go all over the world for the treatment and at last she finds it and saves him from himself. We know to what length women can go to save their loved ones then this could also be true

I know there are proofs and all but it's just an if case and imagination. Imagination does not have boundaries, my friend. 

Let me know your thoughts about this if you read this

Thank You.

Sunday 30 October 2022

Teju akka❤

Hey Tejuuuuuu❤

Hey kiddooo love you so muchhhhhh... 

it's been a long time I talked with someone and that for 2 hrs. Thank for listening all my bak bak. Thank you for the talk and suggestions. Many say I am not a good learner so forgive me if I couldn't fulfill all the things I promised. But as you said let results speak. let's see what happens. Yes, You are self made Queen. A powerful colleen. Whatever you said inspired me. You have done really a phenomenal work.Yes you have helped many in whatever way you can. When you said "why should we get recognised when we are working for our future and our goals " I was amazed. how could I miss that perception. Thank you for accepting me the way I am and trusting me. You know what you have done for me😂even when I won't say you will take the credit, Yes we should be that way. when we do something we should take and credit thank you Tejuuuuuu akkaaaaaa for today. 

Friday 14 October 2022


Does right people come into life at the right timing? 

I never knew I would meet a person who is the most kindest person in the room. I never knew I would meet the most wisest person. I never knew I would meet a person who has answer for every Sorrow. I never knew I would meet a Person Who makes me happy even in my saddest days. I never knew I would meet a person who made me understand how valuable I am. A person who never leaves my side. a person who understands me guides me teaches me in my journey. I got a person to share things and not get judged and without the our bond shaken. I am grateful for that person not most of them get them. Thank You Mawaaa for coming into my life. 

I hope you remember the day I was scared to talk with you to the day I never stopped talking with you. Mawaaaa❤Thank You making the timing right always. 

Sunday 7 August 2022

Am I Scared? Do I deserve this?

Am I Scared? Do I deserve this?

Walking down the streets

Walking down the same lane

I was scared...!

I was walking alone, taking small steps at a time

Yet I was scared

I know it was late in the night

But I didn't understand what scared me more

was it the darkness or being alone

was it me not trying to take long steps or me not thinking about having someone with me at that time

was it me not having charging/backup in my phone or me not having my career planned

was it me not working on myself or was it me not getting involved in things I should

was it a shred of light that put on hope or was it the silence trying to tell you don't deserve today...!!


Today, while I was returning to my hostel after hanging out with a couple of my friends it was too late so I took the metro even when I knew could wait for some more time for a bus or manage auto I took the metro I didn't understand why I did it or what my decision was based on yet I took it... after reaching I could again wait for the bus yet I decided to walk till my hostel... While I was doing so I found myself walking slowly towards the darkness I was taking small steps at a time I was scared not because something might happen but about the uncertainty of my decisions and many things and suddenly the lights were on the darkness was no more it made me realize whatever phase it might be it will pass on let the time heal itself and whatever the situation might be I would at least take small steps at a time until it lights up again... I know the ease of my life and what I could do with it... It would take time but definitely, I would achieve whatever I want to...! It takes time and people to believe and i got both❤️

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...