Thursday 9 February 2023

Hey I am back again!

I heard this somewhere

JEE is considered to be one of the toughest exams, and if you're attempting it, you might be feeling nervous and scared when you can't solve a problem. But did you know that out of the 9 lakh people who write JEE, Out of 9 lakh people even if 1 lakh were toppers and the rest 8 are average people just like us? So, there are 8 lakh people who feel the same way you do and you're not alone.

The question we should ask ourselves during the exam is what sets us apart from the 8 lakh people. Is it giving up or trying to solve at least one question correctly? Or using what little brain we have left and applying common sense? Most of the questions in JEE are general and can be solved with basic formulas.

 In one JEE exam, the highest score was -1! Can you imagine that, just submitting your paper without attempting any questions would have earned you the first rank! So, relax my dear friend, go with the flow, and always attempt to do what you know perfectly. If you're unsure, try to solve it to the best of your abilities, and if you're confident in your answer, select that option. If not, leave it.

And remember how lucky you are, because you already know that the correct answer lies within the four options given. So, don't panic, just chill bro

 As Lord Krishna says-"samay hi samajeyaga".

P.S. This is based on my personal experience. No offense intended and None taken!! 😌😂

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Till September.

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