Wednesday 22 March 2023


Hola, people!!

Do you really read my blog? if yes. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you are enjoying it.

How shall i start? 

Ok!! Let me begin by sharing my journey, which started with some hurdles. I thought Amazon would never disappoint me, but it did. I wanted to book a bus, but it wouldn't take my request. You can imagine me with one bag at the back, which was at full capacity, and two bags in my hands, trying to book a bus. I didn't understand what to do, so I called my dad. He suggested that I call the travel agent directly, and I did. The agent asked me to go to a specific location, and the bus would arrive in 20 minutes. With these two bags in my hand and one at my back, I ran towards the metro station, took the train, and reached the location. When I called the bus driver, he asked me to go to another location. As I had no other option, I went there, and the bus arrived. You know what's special about this? The price for the bus ticket was not yet finalised. Of course, as Indians, we usually finalise it by bargaining, which was done. After boarding the bus, I started enjoying the journey. The bus was incredibly good, and I never knew something affordable could be so good. Sorry, I forgot to tell you where I was going. Do you want to find out? Stay tuned for my next blog post.

Happy Blogging!

P.S.: Travels buses stop at Zam Zam Bakery (Paradise, Secunderabad).

Reference: Took metro from Tarnaka to Paradise. Bus ticket was finalised at 1100 rupees.

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Till September.

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