Saturday 4 March 2023

Shh!! Don't Open This! 😂

I said not to..but Glad you did! Thank you for not listening to me!

But How did they put up with me? 

A billion-dollar question for me? 

My parents always tell me about me being arrogant, Self-confident, self-obsessed, and all!! 

They said I was the most notorious one in the school😂

I don't understand why people exaggerate about doing business or about startups! what is the minimum age to be an entrepreneur? 

So this was before 4 class ig. If i remember one day I was being called to the principal's office for doing business at school. can you believe it??😂😂 it seems I used to sell toys, fans, and chocolates(which were for a rupee back then and I sold them based on the person ranging from 2 rupees to 5 rupees) I made a profit and one day i was confident enough that I would go alone to home without going in the regular auto I would go in my transport how stupid it is? I remember I was caught because my bag was full of coins🤣

I took one rupee and made around 50 I guess... 

I saw a shop that was lending cycles per hour basis and I did that for a bit this time I told my dad about it!! 

But this whole time I never craved money because I knew I would earn enough money if I wanted to... 

Now was I notorious or not? 

On the other hand, I was innocent too, And not to mention topper😂without studying... I never came last in the class because when I compete I would end up being at the top. I know what I am capable of!! because having brains and using them are two different things and I don't do either of them😌 I have theories, theories which can't be explained but implemented... 

In recent times I got to know I am good at marketing😂 Ok I am a stop for all the things but what can I do? am I good at all things!! 

This blog is only about acknowledging my skills✨

It will take time for people to afford platinum because they are busy affording gold... lmao😂

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...