Thursday 23 March 2023


Knock! Knock!

Who's there? 

My second blog🤭

So We all love to play the knock knock game, but have you ever thought if your life was a game too? Where winning or losing never matters, but playing does.

In my first blog, I began talkimg abour my journey on a cozy and comfortable bus. However, as night fell, thunder rumbled and it began to rain. While rain is a common occurrence, my trip out of state to Mumbai was not. Perhaps the weather was a sign that I should not have traveled, or maybe it was a sign of the joy that nature felt at my bold decision to journey to Mumbai. Though the ride was bumpy and difficult, I eventually reached my destination.

The question on everyone's mind is why did I go to Mumbai? Let's save that for my next blog - some things are worth waiting. 

Reference: Mumbai is the financial capital India.

Wednesday 22 March 2023


Hola, people!!

Do you really read my blog? if yes. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you are enjoying it.

How shall i start? 

Ok!! Let me begin by sharing my journey, which started with some hurdles. I thought Amazon would never disappoint me, but it did. I wanted to book a bus, but it wouldn't take my request. You can imagine me with one bag at the back, which was at full capacity, and two bags in my hands, trying to book a bus. I didn't understand what to do, so I called my dad. He suggested that I call the travel agent directly, and I did. The agent asked me to go to a specific location, and the bus would arrive in 20 minutes. With these two bags in my hand and one at my back, I ran towards the metro station, took the train, and reached the location. When I called the bus driver, he asked me to go to another location. As I had no other option, I went there, and the bus arrived. You know what's special about this? The price for the bus ticket was not yet finalised. Of course, as Indians, we usually finalise it by bargaining, which was done. After boarding the bus, I started enjoying the journey. The bus was incredibly good, and I never knew something affordable could be so good. Sorry, I forgot to tell you where I was going. Do you want to find out? Stay tuned for my next blog post.

Happy Blogging!

P.S.: Travels buses stop at Zam Zam Bakery (Paradise, Secunderabad).

Reference: Took metro from Tarnaka to Paradise. Bus ticket was finalised at 1100 rupees.

Saturday 4 March 2023

Shh!! Don't Open This! 😂

I said not to..but Glad you did! Thank you for not listening to me!

But How did they put up with me? 

A billion-dollar question for me? 

My parents always tell me about me being arrogant, Self-confident, self-obsessed, and all!! 

They said I was the most notorious one in the school😂

I don't understand why people exaggerate about doing business or about startups! what is the minimum age to be an entrepreneur? 

So this was before 4 class ig. If i remember one day I was being called to the principal's office for doing business at school. can you believe it??😂😂 it seems I used to sell toys, fans, and chocolates(which were for a rupee back then and I sold them based on the person ranging from 2 rupees to 5 rupees) I made a profit and one day i was confident enough that I would go alone to home without going in the regular auto I would go in my transport how stupid it is? I remember I was caught because my bag was full of coins🤣

I took one rupee and made around 50 I guess... 

I saw a shop that was lending cycles per hour basis and I did that for a bit this time I told my dad about it!! 

But this whole time I never craved money because I knew I would earn enough money if I wanted to... 

Now was I notorious or not? 

On the other hand, I was innocent too, And not to mention topper😂without studying... I never came last in the class because when I compete I would end up being at the top. I know what I am capable of!! because having brains and using them are two different things and I don't do either of them😌 I have theories, theories which can't be explained but implemented... 

In recent times I got to know I am good at marketing😂 Ok I am a stop for all the things but what can I do? am I good at all things!! 

This blog is only about acknowledging my skills✨

It will take time for people to afford platinum because they are busy affording gold... lmao😂

Friday 3 March 2023

Ok Yaar!! Fine😌

I don't know how many people think of me as a positive person. I am sure most of them think I am a negative person!!😂😂

We were preparing for an exam and I was like what if this question comes today for the test... Period... (My friends were with an expression to kill me) I don't know why I would say that but it's just a what-if case🤧 I couldn't help myself without saying that. Saying that doesn't mean I am a negative person... You can call me a self-conscious person at least. 

Here is a clip from my life❤

So I was conversing with my friend recently and I got to know that I was well known in his family... I was like how?? You guys should have seen my expression it was epic I guarantee you. He went on to even say that his sister even asks sometimes what I am doing...Now it was overhead...How could I not know that?? I am always aware of myself but I didn't know this!! So I went on to ask my friend how could your family know me... He quoted " When we joined this college online you used to be good with me and you used to send the answers".That's it just being nice made me a good person... That's simple right!! I don't know why if I care about a person I could go to extreme ends to help them in whatever way I can... 

Sometimes unknowingly you are a good person in someone's life - Now does it make you a negative person? because in some people's lives, you might be a negative person and a positive one in other stories. Just cling on!! Because you do not know all the chapters of the IPC(Indian Pharmacopeia) All the rules and regulations are not understood until all are read so Just go with the flow and don't give a damn about others' thoughts because you don't have one book to read!! You have around a couple of editions to read in Ipc. 

I hope at least this time I get good grades... Pharma is lub until you start memorizing chapter 2 (Preparation, properties of API) Please someone help me with it😂

To all my posts pending in the draft... i'm gonna finish you soon( Pov- Not a pick-up line) 

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...