Wednesday 22 December 2021

So today I learnt a new thing that we don't have 24 hrs a day... We a call it a day when earth completes one rotation about its axis right... It seems earth completes one rotation in 23 hrs 56 min so we are not having 24 hrs per day and you... Then why it is considered 24 hrs per day it's because they considered sun a as reference point so we are having 24 hrs even considering sun as a reference point sometimes we are getting less 4 more min and sometimes more than 4 mins

For a moment I was enjoying it then I realized I was enjoying knowing the imperfections of the earth๐Ÿ™‚

See our earth is too imperfect... Wait is it..? 

No it's the way we are defining it the earth is totally perfect but the way we are defining is changing...

Even before many people realize they are imperfect I knew I was imperfect and I knew many things which I normalized them...

No one is walking in my shoes no one is going through what I am going through or I am gone through... Many people say I am good many people say I have a helping nature there are also people who say I am bad there are people who say I am not perfect but what I am is because what I am gone through... I am imperfect and I am happy with it.. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‡

Monday 20 December 2021

 People will ghost you once they get their work done... I have learnt this from past few months... How good you may be how friendly you may be.. They will ghost you once they get their work done... Normalize it... It's not a big thing you helped them and that's it don't expect anything in return not even a conversation just be word to word if they need something they will get to you once they get their work done normalize not expecting anything in return๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Friday 17 December 2021

So one of the stocks I invested was having a loss for too long so I stopped checking upon it for few weeks to months and suddenly I remembered I had it so I went to check up on it and this time it was on profit it was less but still it's a profit right..? 
And from then I started checking upon it unconsciously several times a day... 
It happens in life too right
When we are not having success not having growth not having a amazing life no body checks upon us and once we start having success and having even small exciting thing in our life people just come around us...! 
Don't worry if people don't come around you don't worry if people don't show intrest in you just be the way you are..! If it's exciting for you then it doesn't mean to excite others so just enjoy what ever you are doing without thinking about THE PEOPLE.... 

Friday 3 December 2021

 I start my day with making decisions may be it's just small but I make my own decisions and I alone face the consequences I learnt it from few days every day I travel by bus and the only thing I observe is whether the decision I took was right or wrong

I have many ways to reach home almost around four ways and I have to choose in between the four ways and I have to choose the most best way sometimes I have to run from one end of the road to the other end and again back because I feel I may be taking a wrong route but whatever it may be I alone will be facing the consequences right and I myself have control over my things which I learnt from last few days..! 

 Not always what we ever we think will happen not always what ever we planned will work out not always everything will be in your favour not always everyone cares for you we don't what not will be so just be prepared if anything goes wrong I took another route today to home I thought I would reach home by 30 min and it turned out to be 3 long hours for which I was not ready what I did was to wait and wait

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...