Wednesday 22 December 2021

So today I learnt a new thing that we don't have 24 hrs a day... We a call it a day when earth completes one rotation about its axis right... It seems earth completes one rotation in 23 hrs 56 min so we are not having 24 hrs per day and you... Then why it is considered 24 hrs per day it's because they considered sun a as reference point so we are having 24 hrs even considering sun as a reference point sometimes we are getting less 4 more min and sometimes more than 4 mins

For a moment I was enjoying it then I realized I was enjoying knowing the imperfections of the earth๐Ÿ™‚

See our earth is too imperfect... Wait is it..? 

No it's the way we are defining it the earth is totally perfect but the way we are defining is changing...

Even before many people realize they are imperfect I knew I was imperfect and I knew many things which I normalized them...

No one is walking in my shoes no one is going through what I am going through or I am gone through... Many people say I am good many people say I have a helping nature there are also people who say I am bad there are people who say I am not perfect but what I am is because what I am gone through... I am imperfect and I am happy with it.. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‡


Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...