Sunday 30 October 2022

Teju akka❤

Hey Tejuuuuuu❤

Hey kiddooo love you so muchhhhhh... 

it's been a long time I talked with someone and that for 2 hrs. Thank for listening all my bak bak. Thank you for the talk and suggestions. Many say I am not a good learner so forgive me if I couldn't fulfill all the things I promised. But as you said let results speak. let's see what happens. Yes, You are self made Queen. A powerful colleen. Whatever you said inspired me. You have done really a phenomenal work.Yes you have helped many in whatever way you can. When you said "why should we get recognised when we are working for our future and our goals " I was amazed. how could I miss that perception. Thank you for accepting me the way I am and trusting me. You know what you have done for me😂even when I won't say you will take the credit, Yes we should be that way. when we do something we should take and credit thank you Tejuuuuuu akkaaaaaa for today. 

Friday 14 October 2022


Does right people come into life at the right timing? 

I never knew I would meet a person who is the most kindest person in the room. I never knew I would meet the most wisest person. I never knew I would meet a person who has answer for every Sorrow. I never knew I would meet a Person Who makes me happy even in my saddest days. I never knew I would meet a person who made me understand how valuable I am. A person who never leaves my side. a person who understands me guides me teaches me in my journey. I got a person to share things and not get judged and without the our bond shaken. I am grateful for that person not most of them get them. Thank You Mawaaa for coming into my life. 

I hope you remember the day I was scared to talk with you to the day I never stopped talking with you. Mawaaaa❤Thank You making the timing right always. 

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...