Wednesday 8 June 2022

I always thought my life is hard and Like me, many among us believe there is life is hard... 

oh my dear friend

Do you know what happened today, What I saw and what I heard today completely change my view on life being hard well it said you are taking your life for granted, and well as it quotes me I think it binds you the same... 

so today I went to a place with my brother for some reason and we were asked to wait so I saw a place to sit I asked my brother to sit and I went out to sit on the steps so I could peacefully reply to a text I haven't been reverting... while I doing I was happy in those moments there came a small girl cute one doing her thing I could notice a hair band with a small device I thought it was a hearing aid as my brother had so I went on do my thing then after few moments my parents arrived at the venue and there were doing the same waiting for our turn to come and when my dad saw that hair band he pointed out and said see its cochlear implantation(sorry if I spelled it wrong) so this implantation is like putting a device by drilling a hole kind of thing which is nearer to the brain for better hearing... When I realized that it was the same I saw on that cute little girl... I couldn't talk for a few moments at all... all I could think was why only they? why never wanted that to happen to them? why what wrong could a 2-3 years could have done so god had to punish them? 

and it's not the only thing I met a mother who told me you are lucky and your parents too even when you have a brother with that hearing disability you are lucky because you are going to guide him through life but I have two daughters with the same disability all I could see was pain... which they couldn't convey to the world and which even couldn't be conveyed... 

These were all the things i know where i went is a place filled with stories which are similar to these are as far as i know there were about 30 people in the room... 

So bottom line...Just be grateful for what you have...if you want to thank a person let them know if you want to tell a person you love them let them know... 

Oh Dear my friend if you think life is too hard to remember you are one out of billions of people who are thinking the same what makes the difference between you and them is... Be grateful for what you have and It will just pass on soon and everything will be okay! and remember they are also people for whom your life is always a luxury so enjoy it when you have it... 

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Till September.

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