Tuesday 1 February 2022

 One of my friends said" How tensed I might I be but I always pretend to be cool on outside" and I really loved it because it's totally true and not everyone can see and understand it I should probably be cool whatever the situation might be because I feel many people count on me and even i scared I will pretend not to be...

Few days earlier we ran out of hotstar membership I was in need of it without spending money so I turned to my friend circle and started asking them and I couldn't find it so I just left it and from then I started thinking whom to ask and where would I get but I wasn't worrying because it was just subconscious thought and today one of friends was looking for something even I couldn't help him he helped me giving the membership 

Somebody said "for something to happen you should believe enough for it happen" And it's absolutely true

Just believe in your self and let universe do it's work❤

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Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...