Tuesday 30 November 2021

 "I am scared I have exam in two days and i am scared I didn't prepare anything I am scared whether I would even pass the semester or not"

I don't remember when it happened before semester or in middle of the semester but I said these to my mother and you know what she said to me

"Why are you scared I know my son if he wants to do it he will do it at any case it's just his intrest which he needs to get once he gets that's it he will do it if he is not doing it then he not willing to do it and if he is not willing to do it there is no use of pushing"

I was really shocked to see how confident she was on me... I myself couldn't be that confident but she was

That confidence just boosted me to get through the semester exams... I always find my way back home whenever I need confidence or anything

I am always happy that they understand me and they know that I never cross a line unless or until I need to and they trust me the only thing which matters for me... ❤

Saturday 13 November 2021

Some people took me for granted I will help anyone but if they take me for granted that's it I will never think of helping them again because when I help I feel I am supporting them but when they take me for granted it makes me feel I am being available for them. I am not available for anyone it's just my mindset regarding that person and the way they treat everyone. If you treat everyone nicely including me then I would be readily available to help you but it doesn't mean to take me for granted. a couple of days back it happened some people took me for granted the moment I felt they did so I thought of never helping anyone again then at the correct time at the correct moment I received a card saying just be the way you are and then I remembered the same person asking a few months back to keep helping and help the one who is kind and has no other option other than us. I don't know how she knows what's wrong with us and at the correct time she just does her magic. Thank you Shivani Akka for the card and the beautiful audio msg.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

 So today I had my semester exam and I went to the Hall took the paper sat down waiting for the start of exam and when I received question paper I read the paper and I started writing and when I was in the middle I was struck I was not able to solve it I tried all the ways I know and when I was trying to figure it out one of the sir's came to sign my additional and take my sign on the attendance sheet he was there for like 2 min he while leaving just said don't get nervous.... I was like what..? Am I nervous..! I thought for few seconds and I too felt the same I was nervously and tensed so I too a moment left the question and started writing another section ...! 

Sometime we don't even know what's going on with us then taking a moment talking with close ones and taking advice is totally fine...!! 

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...