Friday 23 December 2022

Random Thoughts

 So we were always told that Lord Rama saves Sita devi from Ravanasura...Right?? 

Wait what if just what if... it's the reverse or converse of what we are told from the time. What if Sita devi saves lord Rama from Ravanasura. what?? it would be crazy to think in that way right but whose loss it's just imagination let's say for instance just for instance what if Ravanasura and Lord Rama were the same people...That's it!! it would be the craziest thing you would hear right...

Now Hear me out for a few minutes!!

If Lord Rama was suffering from a personality disorder that had a wrong side and a good side and the good side was named Rama and the Bad side was called Ravanasura. Now if we see correctly then People say there isn't a person most knowledgeable as Lord Rama so does Ravanasura. No one is as powerful as Lord Rama so does Ravanasura. No one is as glamorous as Lord Rama and so does Ravanasura right most of the qualities of both are the same. why can't there be a scenario both are the same person with different names and personalities. Now when sita finds out this she tries to save him from the wrong side by finding the treatment for which they go all over the world for the treatment and at last she finds it and saves him from himself. We know to what length women can go to save their loved ones then this could also be true

I know there are proofs and all but it's just an if case and imagination. Imagination does not have boundaries, my friend. 

Let me know your thoughts about this if you read this

Thank You.

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...