Thursday 14 April 2022

After a long time I feel void... they are mixed feelings... I am just fed up with everyone judging me over and over again on my face. Being nice, having a smiling face, talking from heart has become too nice to the people that they start judging you, you know right we can sense that we are being judged... even after knowing we talk with a smile and tolerate you because we are raised good it doesn't mean we can't speak back on your face we just don't want to hurt you for being mean on face... i know I am better in my own way and I don't need someone's validation... I know how people are...just by seeing and talking to them because I was in a campus without phones and connected to the world and I survived it I talked with thousand people I know how everyone deals with their struggles.. perks of being in hostel is that it teaches you one or two to survive in this world of rat race... people say i don't have control on body and I don't know value of money... what I don't know really is where were they when I used to go empty stomach whole day due to food I didn't like at hostel... where were they even when I had money I controlled my self not eating because I didn't want to waste money... people say I am a bad person...where I help a random stranger for reason and bring smiles on people around me... I never expect anything from anyone and for good I never say anything to anyone... if I do it is something which you should trust me rather than judging me... I have been through all kinds of conversations... I could be your greatest supporter or audience all it needs that the way you take my words... when I took vaarc text I got my results as multimodal... which means I can be thought in any way you can teach me through audio message or text message visuals or any form of teaching... I am that person who went to lot of transitions and phases of life don't you think life didn't taught me one or two good things... 

After all I am ____ person... Mixed feelings or void it doesn't matter anymore... 

Till September.

Hey, Is it a long time considering my last blog was on 24 March this year? Maybe it is a long time, but how did time fly? I thought to write...